Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

General Election Practice

  During human being to be zoon politicon  they will find politik . it’s mean that in our life simultaneously every  one ever  do something that called politik.. according hand j’s  politik is struggle for power . talk about politik nearly correlation with democration , especially with develoving country  that use democration system like as indonesia that use democration as the government system

Democration is the sytem of government controlled and authorized by society absolutely in democration state every make the social decision have to wrap society as more and more right in general election president,and vice’s legeslatif council etc.society is the leader  for everything
Indonesia was used general election system to choose the president  firstly about in 2004 ,at the time the candidate soesilo bambang yudhoyono  and his vice yusuf kalla as the winner and after that the general election always used in indonesia
Writter  as the student in university of baturaja especially social & politik faculty  always observataion develoving politik in  indonesia  as I know general election have weakness ,there are many kinds  of weakness from “GE”   one or the other  no body want choose a candidate if that can’t fruitfull for them selves it’mean that to make constituen  mostly and more need something that make them want to join and stay with us. So what is that ???? the answer is money ..it mean that to get a power in democration system as a candidate have to ready follow the  money politik with surrounding with democration system
Gino makusuci said that politik with the general election that wrap society absolutely  just will bring the nation enter  the gate of corruption ..there for as a student of social science and politik UNIVERSITY OF BATURAJA  dis aggre with the general election was had going on in our country…
            Error as human : sebagai manusia biasa penulis tak luput dari kesalahan ,khususnya dalam tulisan ini  karena mencoba menuliskan nya dalam bahasa yang lain terlebih lagi penulis bukan seseorang yang memiliki latar belakang disiplin ilmu bahasa inggris jadi kalu ada koreksi ,harap maklum hehehe…. tulisan ini hanya merupakan setitik suara hati yang menjerit,merontah melihat bumi pertiwi di ambang kecacatan budaya. Khususnya budaya politik yang semakain tidak sehat ,saliang tindas menindas ,sikut menyikut,injak yang bawa untuk naik ke atas ,halalkan segala cara untuk memperoleh kekuasaan ,bikin sesak nafas melihatnya ..namun inila ibu pertiwi ku tercinta.
            masih sangat relevan rasanya mengutif theory seorang filsuf terkenal Aris toteles , he said that  : “ politik is who get what ,when and how “ ….that’s theory is representative of indonesia politik culture now…
Briptu Gino Makusuci,
Anggota Polres Oku Bagian Penjagaan
Di pos kota ( Polsek Baturaja Timur )
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